Alberta Municipal Solar Program
The Alberta Municipal Solar Program (AMSP) provides financial rebates to Alberta municipalities who install solar photovoltaics (PV) on their municipal buildings.
Who can participate in the AMSP?
- Municipalities within the province of Alberta
- Solar PV must be installed on municipal buildings
- Examples of eligible buildings include: arenas, administration buildings, police stations, fire halls, recreation centres, libraries, public works shops, and community centres
- Community related organizations (CROs), such as community leagues, are also eligible to participate. However, they must occupy municipally owned buildings and municipalities must apply to the AMSP on their behalf.
- All projects must be in compliance with Alberta’s Micro-Generation Regulation.
Ineligible projects:
- Projects located on privately owned buildings, schools, universities, or hospitals
- Solar PV installations that are financed through leasing
- Solar PV installations completed before February 5, 2016
How much funding is available?
The program provides a rebate ($/watt) based on installed solar capacity to a maximum of 20% of capital costs or $300,000. To receive funding, participants must install solar PV and conduct public outreach following completion of the installation. The rebate will be issued to municipalities after project completion is verified.
Smaller than 10kW
rebate: 75 cents / Watt
10kW to < 150kW
rebate: 60 cents / Watt
150kW to 1 MW
rebate: 45 cents / Watt
How do I apply?
Applications for the AMSP will be accepted beginning March 1, 2016. Application details will be posted on the MCCAC website.
Note: Funding is available on a first come, first served basis. Municipalities are eligible to submit multiple applications.
Where do I find additional information?
Inquiries may be directed to